Monday, September 11, 2006



Well it has taken me the weekend to recover from the Full Council meeting on Thursday, it was a marathon agenda and a marathon meeting. The SNP did not put forward their normal plethora of non scensical motions, however there were some!

The two things the parties did agree on were that the council agreed to lobby and do everything possible to keep the identity of Paisley linked to the local University by urging the University not to change it's name. The second motion was moved by Cllr Harkins and Cllr Williams of the Labour group asking that the council donate £10,000 to St Vincent's hospice after their garden was damaged by vandals earlier this year.

The SNP however did not disappoint, when discussing the motion I moved on the Boundary Commission's proposals for the new boundaries in 2007, the SNP deputy leader Cllr B Lawson suggested that the 'Labour Group proposal' (also know as the Council's proposal as it was passed by full council on more than one ooccasion) was and I quote 'a dogs breakfast', his group also suggested (despite my specifically stating the opposite) that I was attacking the Boundary Commission, which as usual is ridiculous. However the best is yet to come, Cllr Martin the SNP candidate for the 2007 First Past the Post election in Paisley South, advised that there was little difference between the SNP proposal and Labour group proposal for the boundaries and that both were just as good and better than what we had been given! What is the official SNP line I hear you ask? Well if you find out let me know, I did suggest they go back and confer before speaking again!

The SNP locally are in tatters! They have no idea which way they are facing, and their behaviour is getting worse! Cllr McKay (the group Leader for the SNP) is letting them run riot, maybe it is because he is too weak to control the likes of Cllr Mylet who was at his worst again! I mean the man cannot even dress himself! He came in jeans, t-shirt and trainers with the t-shirt inside out and tried to suggest it was designer until one of his own group advised that they could see the label on the outside!! He ranted on at the Chief Executive of the Health board and never quite got to asking a coherent question and then for the rest of the meeting made snide remarks at ANYONE who spoke.

It is strange that the majority of the people who vote SNP do it blindly they obviously do not know the people they are voting for, and they obviously do not know their record, I mean would you vote for a local representative who see's fit to attend less than 30% of meetings? Despite only being put on only ONE specific board planning and transport? I know I wouldn't!

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