Tuesday, November 21, 2006



This morning I received a copy of the above booklet in the mail from my Local MP Jim Sheridan - thanks for that Jim- and I am delighted. The previous book which was around two years ago was an excellent tool for campaigning and now for blogging!

I thought that I would pick out a few of the points in the book and put them in here just to cheer you all up, because part of the problem of being the Government is that people don't notice what the Labour Party are doing for them, so just in case you didn't know here is what the Labour Party have done for us ....

  • Created the first ever national minimum wage which delivers at least £5.35 an hour to 1.5 Million people.
  • Doubled Maternity pay to £106 a week.
  • 500,000 new fathers enjoy extended paid paternity leave of 2 weeks.
  • A record 28.94 million people in jobs - up 2.51 million since 1997 - the highest number ever.
  • Average incomes up by 19% since 1997
  • The longest period of sustained economic growth in Britain's history.
  • Cut by 2.1 million the number of children living in poverty.
  • NHS Investment has doubled since 1997 and will treble to £92 Billion a year by 2008.
  • 84% of NHS staff are directly involved in patient care across 300 different careers.
  • Banning smoking in ALL public places including private clubs.

Obviously this is just a fraction of the gains that the UK has benefited from under a Labour Government, we have a duty and a right to get the good news out there so start your day with one Labour Gain a day on your blog, try it for the next year! One a day keeps the Tories/SNP/SSP/Liberal Democrats at bay!

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