Despite the efforts of the Labour Administration on Renfrewshire Council and the petition organised by the Labour MP's the University of Paisley announced about a month ago that they were changing the name and the likely outcome would be the University of the West of Scotland.
Only today have the local SSP joined the debate, three time failed candidate Ian Hogg has only now noticed! The Paisley Daily Express (no doubt spurred on by the press release Mr Hogg or the SSP provided) wrote an article suggesting that as a graduate of the University Mr Hogg is concerned, well, welcome to the party Ian although you are a little late. As a graduate in Politics and Social Policy from the University of Paisley I too have been worried only my concern stems beyond this week!
Better late than never I suppose, thanks for joining the Labour Party in it's efforts and I am glad that you agree with us, however it may have been better if you had mentioned the petition or even given credit where credit was due but I guess that would have been too much to ask!