Friday, September 22, 2006

Councillor Rayleen Kelly


You may see more posts on my duties and issues as a Local Councillor on this blog for a while because my webpage for my Council duties (which I personally pay for) is experiencing technical difficulties, so just for those who don't want to read these posts I will put all of them under the title Councillor Rayleen Kelly.

This will allow the reading public to distinguish between my Council posts and my personal posts, this will also help readers know which posts I am suggesting relate to me as a Councillor and which relate to me as a person. The reason for this is that certain Councillor's have been reported to the Standards Commission for Scotland with regards to comments they have made on personal webpages that they have titled Councillor.

Therefore to avoid confusion, regardless if I am blogging re politics local, national or international, unless it has the title Councillor Rayleen Kelly I am speaking as a private individual and NOT as a Renfrewshire Councillor.

Thanks for your time!

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Please note all postings on this blog are of a personal nature and do not reflect the opinions of either Renfrewshire Council, the Scottish Labour Party or Renfrewshire Labour Group. NB No annonymous comments will be published on this blog if you have something to say have the courage to identify yourself.