Friday, August 11, 2006

Local Politics


It is not surprising to anyone who follows the SNP and their ridiculous claims and outright mistruths that they have got it wrong yet again. On their webpage the local SNP have an article about the Seedhill Playing fields suggesting that the local Candidate Mr Doig (their perennial candidate) is angry about the new sports centre being built on the Seedhill Playing fields, reason because the low paid will not be able to use it.
Why is this strange? Because there is no new sports centre being put on the Seedhill Playing fields the council are proposing to upgrade the parks and build a new pavilion but no new sports centre. The sports centre that he refers to could be the upgrading of the Lagoon leisure centre but who knows! It is also just as likely that Mr Doig doesn't have a scooby doo about Renfrewshire! Or Seedhill!

Local Government Boundary Commission

The local government boundary commission for Scotland (long title I know) have recently reported their final recommendations to ministers and their suggestions mean the 'carving' up of Renfrewshire's existing wards. From the looks of things there is not one ward in Renfrewshire which is not affected, or intact.
The information can be found at
Have a look and tell me what you think?

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