Monday, August 21, 2006


Well as it turns out the SSP are not the only party who are in turmoil this week, the SNP in Renfrewshire don't seem to know what each other are doing. On Saturday in the Paisley Daily Express the readers were advised that the perennial candidate Mr Doig has decided that if they are changing the name of the University they should change it to Tannahill, not Tannahill Paisley University, just Tannahill University. Mr Doig was speaking on behalf of the local SNP yet in today's paper the SNP are quoted as saying they are putting up their own motion to full council on September the 7th. When I say 'their own motion' that is a bit of a stretch because they are actually using Mr McFee's motion, so much thought and time was put into it! His motion states, as I have outlined below, that IF the University changes it's name we should keep Paisley in the title.
Why are they facing both ways? Only they can say but they have been caught out yet again!

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