Friday, March 09, 2007



(Jim Sharkey and Cllr Rayleen Kelly at the 'Beware of the Bogeyman event, Paisley Town Hall)

This morning in Paisley Town Hall there is an event organised by the Police on Bogus Callers, arranged for the elderly in the community and vulnerable groups there was an excellent turn out, including Jim Sharkey (my running mate in the May Elections) the Secretary of Ralston Community Council. Also present were Douglas Alexander MP Secretary of State for Scotland and Wendy Alexander MSP for Paisley North, both were warmly received and it was good to see our elected representatives involved in the community.

The title of this article is the title of the campaign, Reid Kerr College students put on an excellent piece of drama showing the dangers and the approaches that the con men and women use.

To often we think of the Bogus Caller as a young male in work gear but they can take all shapes and sizes as the students drama piece pointed out. Unfortunately I had to leave early as I had a Community Health Partnership Development session to attend but, what I did see I was really impressed with, congratulations go to the Police for the organisation and all of the exhibitors and actors involved.


Anonymous said...

Will be curious to see if this is posted. I recently, over a year ago, moved to the seedhill area. Everywhere I move to people seem to be pulling down or putting up stuff.
Now its the turn of the playing fields.
I am astounded that you support the building of flats in the park. Anyhow I thot it was gifted to the area and cant be sold.
Or am I wrong about that.

Rayleen Kelly said...

June: Thanks for contacting me. The issue of the Seedhill Playing Fields is an important one, and I do support the present proposals let me exapline why.

1. There are no plans for a block or blocks of flats at this site.

2. The issue of being gifted to the area I cannot comment on as this is not something that has been raised with me before.

3. The reason I am for the proposal is that without it we would be unable to upgrade the facilities presently at Seedhill playing fields.

The upgraded facilities will benefit both the Local Community and the whole of Renfrewshire, the local children will have excellent facilities at their disposal and the schools will have access as well.


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